Our Mission
Whether you are looking for short-term rehabilitation or long-term care, our team is here to make the difference you are looking for. Our mission is to ensure everyone feels welcome and at home during their stay. Rose Haven is a skilled, long-term care facility devoted to providing the care you or your loved one needs.
2024 marks Rose Haven’s 60th Anniversary.
Follow us on social media for special events to commemorate this milestone.
National Quality Award Program
The American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living’s (AHCA/NCAL) National Quality Award Program provides a pathway for providers of long-term care services to journey towards performance excellence.

“My mother has been a resident at Rose Haven now for over a year and a half. I just wanted to thank you for the kind, compassionate care that she receives. As she is afflicted with Alzheimer’s, we know it can be a struggle every day in taking care of her, we appreciate the kindness and patience that we see in your care of her. Each of you are a credit to the nursing and caregiving profession and should be proud of the work you do. “
Holly Disterhoft
Dear Rose Haven Staff,
Sorry it took me so long to write this letter. But, besides putting my mom in the nursing home, this letter is one of the hardest things I had to do. I would like to tell the staff of Rose Haven how grateful I am of all of you. There are not enough words or money to express my thanks. You are all wonderful caregivers. All good things you deserve.
I would usually visit mid-morning and bring her into the lunch room and then leave. I did it so she was occupied when I left. Mostly I did it for me. When I left someone was hugging, reading or talking to her. I knew she was being well taken care of.
I have friends with relatives in other nursing homes and they could never come close to saying the good things that I could say about my mom’s care. My daughter and I had lots of fun with my mom. Going to really miss her.
Again thank you, thank you.
Love, Cindy Starr and family
Our mother has been at Rose Haven since 2014. 1/15/2020 she passed through the doors for the last time. As our family gathered to spend her final hours together I realized one thing that became very obvious. Rose Haven staff and the residents there were all like family. To watch staff members come to say good bye to mom and cry as they walked out made me know in my heart that they all care deeply for our loved ones. We thank all of the staff. I’m not rating out a certain cook, but mom loved it when you gave her mostly broth and very few noodles in her chicken and noodle soup. You are a very special bunch of people.
Why Rose Haven? I have spent hundreds of hours over the past eight plus years visiting my 98 year old mother, who is a resident at Rose Haven Nursing Home. When I’ve been there that many hours, I view what attention is given to the other residents. I see quality, personalized attention given from a caring, concerned staff. The staff is friendly, knowledgeable, respectful, kind, comforting and really gets to “know” the resident that they are assisting. They spend more time with my loved one than I do. The staff that I am talking about is the entire staff including RNs, LPNs, CNAs, cooks, maintenance, cleaning crew and the business office. Seniors are one of the most vulnerable age groups in our state. I truly believe Rose Haven provides the superior care that my mom deserves. I trust that they take loving care of a very important person in my life, my mom. She deserves to feel safe, secure and loved in her everyday life. She deserves the best home away from home.